Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
SELECT p.Id AS PostId, p.CreationDate AS PostDate, p.Score, p.OwnerUserId, p.CommentCount FROM Posts p INNER JOIN Users u ON u.Id = p.OwnerUserId WHERE (Location LIKE '%, WA%' or UPPER(Location) LIKE '%WASHINGTON%' or UPPER(Location) LIKE '%SEATTLE%' or UPPER(Location) LIKE '%SPOKANE%' or UPPER(Location) LIKE '%TACOMA%') AND UPPER(Location) NOT LIKE '%DC%' AND UPPER(Location) NOT LIKE '%D.C.%' AND UPPER(Location) NOT LIKE '%COLUMBIA%' AND Reputation >= 10000 AND convert(date, p.CreationDate) >= convert(date, ##Start:string##) AND convert(date, p.CreationDate) <= convert(date, ##End:string##) AND p.PostTypeId = 2