Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
declare @question int = 1; declare @reTag int = 3; declare @tagToSearch nvarchar(35) = ##tag:string?google-apps-script-web-application##; select cast(PH.CreationDate as date), Posts.Tags, Posts.Id as [Post Link], PH.UserDisplayName, PH.Text from (Posts inner join PostHistory as PH on PH.PostId = Posts.Id) where Posts.PostTypeId = @question and -- PH.PostHistoryTypeId = @reTag -- and ( charindex('<' + @tagToSearch + '>', PH.Text) <= 0 and Posts.Tags like ('%<' + @tagToSearch + '>%' ) ) group by Posts.Tags,Posts.Id,PH.PostId,PH.Text, cast(PH.CreationDate as date),PH.UserDisplayName order by cast(PH.CreationDate as date) desc