Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
SELECT DATEADD(mm, (Year(Posts.CreationDate) - 1900) * 12 + Month(Posts.CreationDate) - 1, 0) AS Month, Tags.TagName, COUNT(*) AS Questions FROM Tags LEFT JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id LEFT JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId LEFT JOIN PostTypes ON PostTypes.Id = Posts.PostTypeId WHERE Tags.TagName IN ( 'three.js', 'webgl','babylonjs','scenejs','osg.js' ) AND Year(Posts.CreationDate) > 2014 AND PostTypes.Name = 'Question' GROUP BY Year(Posts.CreationDate), Month(Posts.CreationDate), Tags.TagName ORDER BY Year(Posts.CreationDate), Month(Posts.CreationDate), Tags.TagName