Tagged Zombie TimeSeries


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The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

declare @epoch as date = DateAdd(week, -1 - ##Weeks:int?52##, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
declare @pivot as nvarchar(max)
declare @query as nvarchar(max)

    select TOP ##TopTags:int?15##
           ROW_NUMBER() over (order by count(*) desc) as Rank,
           pt.TagId as TagId,
           t.TagName as TagName,
           count (*) as ZombieCount
    into #toptags
    from PostTags pt, Posts p, Tags t
    where (p.AnswerCount is null or p.AnswerCount = 0)
      and p.Id = pt.PostId
      and t.id = pt.TagId
      and p.PostTypeId = 1
      and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
      and p.ClosedDate is null
    group by pt.TagId, t.TagName
    order by count(*) desc
    insert into #toptags
    select 0, -1, 'All/10', count(*)
    from Posts p
    where (p.AnswerCount is null or p.AnswerCount = 0)
      and p.PostTypeId = 1
      and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
      and p.ClosedDate is null

select distinct DateAdd(day, 7 - DatePart(weekday, CreationDate), Convert(Date, CreationDate)) as WeekEnd
into #weekends
from Users
where CreationDate > @epoch

select WeekEnd,
       Convert(decimal(10,2), count (p.Id)) as ZombieCount
into #results
from Posts p, PostTags pt, #weekends w, #toptags t
where p.CreationDate < WeekEnd
  and p.PostTypeId = 1
  and p.Id = pt.PostId
  and pt.TagId = t.TagId
  and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
  and p.ClosedDate is null
  and not exists (
           select 1
           from Posts a
           where a.PostTypeId = 2
             and a.ParentId = p.Id
             and a.CreationDate < WeekEnd)
group by WeekEnd, TagName

insert into #results
select WeekEnd,
       Convert(decimal(10,2), count (p.Id)) / 10.0 as ZombieCount
from Posts p, #weekends w, #toptags t
where t.Rank = 0
  and p.CreationDate < WeekEnd
  and p.PostTypeId = 1
  and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
  and p.ClosedDate is null
  and not exists (
           select 1
           from Posts a
           where a.PostTypeId = 2
             and a.ParentId = p.Id
             and a.CreationDate < WeekEnd)
group by WeekEnd, TagName

SET @pivot = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(TagName) 
            FROM #toptags
            Order by Rank
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

print @pivot

set @query = 'select * from #results pivot (sum(ZombieCount) for TagName in (' + @pivot + ')) as Pivoted  order by WeekEnd ASC'

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