Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
SELECT p.Title, p.Body AS "Query", u.DisplayName AS "Query-Author", u.Id AS "Query-Author-UID", p.Id AS "Query-ID", p.ContentLicense AS "Query-License", a.body AS "Response", au.DisplayName AS "Response-Author", au.Id AS "Response-Author-UI", a.ID AS "Response-ID", a.ContentLicense AS "Response-License", p.Tags FROM Posts p JOIN Posts a ON p.Id = a.ParentId JOIN Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id JOIN Users au ON a.OwnerUserId = au.Id WHERE p.PostTypeID = 1 AND -- TypeID of 1 is Question; TypeID of 2 is Answer p.Score >= 0 AND a.Score >= 0 AND --p.Body NOT like '%<a href%' AND --p.Body NOT like '%<img src%' AND --a.Body NOT like '%<a href%' AND --a.Body NOT like '%<img src%' AND (p.Tags like '%uvm%' OR p.Tags like '%<system-verilog>%' OR p.Tags like '%<vhdl>%' OR p.Tags like '%<questasim>%' OR p.Tags like '%<hdl>%' OR p.Tags like '%<system-verilog-assertions>%' OR p.Tags like '%<digital-logic>%' OR p.Tags like '%<systemc>%' OR p.Tags like '%<modelsim>%' OR p.Tags like '%<register-transfer-level>%')