Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
select c.userid, u.displayname as [User Name], u.reputation as [Reputation], format(min(c.creationdate),'MMM d, yyyy') as [1st Comment], format(max(c.creationdate),'MMM d, yyyy') as [Last Comment], count(c.id) as [# Comments], datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) as [# Days], case when datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) = 0 then null else format((cast(count(c.id) as decimal) / cast(datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) as decimal) ),'0.0') end as [Comments/Day] from comments c join users u on u.id = c.userid where c.userid is not null and year(c.creationdate)>=2024 group by c.userid, u.reputation, u.displayname, u.creationdate having datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) > 30 --limited to >30 days to eliminated new users with 100 comments on 1 question (lol) and case when datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) = 0 then null else format((cast(count(c.id) as decimal) / cast(datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) as decimal) ),'0.0') end >= cast(0.5 as decimal) --limit to users with at least 0.5 comment/day to keep under 50,000 rows order by ( count(c.id) / datediff(d,min(c.creationdate),max(c.creationdate)) ) desc