No view count or character count constraints, score <= 0 Modification of:
Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
-- Unaccepted self-answers without "fixed", "solved", or "found" -- No view count or character count constraints, score <= 0 -- Modification of: select top 500 selfAnswer.Body, selfAnswer.Id as [Post Link], selfAnswer.CreationDate, len(selfAnswer.Body) as Length, selfAnswer.Score as Score, question.ViewCount from posts as question inner join posts as allAnswers on allAnswers.parentid = inner join posts as selfAnswer on selfAnswer.owneruserid = question.owneruserid and selfAnswer.parentid = where selfAnswer.Score <= 0 and question.posttypeid = 1 and selfAnswer.posttypeid = 2 and ( question.acceptedAnswerId != or question.acceptedAnswerId is null) --and question.ViewCount < 1000 --and len(selfAnswer.Body) < 200 and selfAnswer.body not like '%fixed%' and selfAnswer.body not like '%solved%' and selfAnswer.body not like '%found%' group by selfAnswer.Id, selfAnswer.CreationDate, len(selfAnswer.Body), selfAnswer.Score, question.ViewCount, selfAnswer.Body having count(distinct > 1 order by selfAnswer.Score asc, len(selfAnswer.Body) asc, selfAnswer.CreationDate desc