Which answers can I delete without losing reputation?


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Find all answers that have not been accepted and do not produce a net reputation gain. Note: bounties are not considered in this calculation.

The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

-- Which answers can I delete without losing reputation?
-- Find all answers that have not been accepted and do not produce a net reputation gain. Note: bounties are not considered in this calculation.

select Id as [Post Link], CreationDate from Posts A

where A.PostTypeId = 2
and A.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
and A.Id <> (select AcceptedAnswerId from Posts Q where Q.Id = A.ParentId)

and (
  10 * (select count(*) from Votes V where V.PostId = A.Id and V.VoteTypeId = 2)
 - 2 * (select count(*) from Votes V where V.PostId = A.Id and V.VoteTypeId = 3)
) <= 0

order by A.CreationDate;

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