Answers containing a macro defined in the question


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The Workplace Meta

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--We do not want the macro to be followed by alphanumerical character
--For example we want to match: \C but not \Cov, \norm but not \normalsize, \Q but not \quad
--thanks to rene for suggestion to use regex:
SELECT TOP(##num?50##)
  a.Id AS [Post Link], 
  url = 'site://posts/' + CAST(a.Id AS varchar)+'/revisions',
  a.OwnerUserId AS [User Link], a.CreationDate, a.LastActivityDate, a.Score, a.Body
FROM Posts a JOIN Posts q ON a.ParentId=q.Id
WHERE (a.Body LIKE '%[^\]##text?\C##[^a-zA-Z]%') 
  AND NOT ((a.Body LIKE '%\newcommand{##text##}%')
    OR (a.Body LIKE '%\DeclareMathOperator{##text##}%')
    OR (a.Body LIKE '%\def{##text##}%')) 
  AND ((q.Body LIKE '%\newcommand{##text##}%')
    OR (q.Body LIKE '%\DeclareMathOperator{##text##}%')
    OR (q.Body LIKE '%\def{##text##}%'))
ORDER BY a.CreationDate DESC

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