Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
-- Top Users Indonesia -- Created by Isnotmenow https://stackoverflow.com/users/4758255 SELECT TOP 1000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Users.Reputation DESC) AS [#], Users.Id AS [User Link], Users.Location, Users.Reputation, Users.UpVotes, Users.DownVotes, Users. CreationDate FROM Users WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE LOWER('%Indonesia%') OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Aceh%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Sumatera%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Jawa%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Bali%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Kalimantan%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Sulawesi%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Maluku%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Nusa Tenggara%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Irian%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Medan%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Batam%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Pekanbaru%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Jambi%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Dumai%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Bangka%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Belitung%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Bengkulu%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Lampung%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Banten%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Jakarta%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Malang%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Bandung%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Surabaya%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Yogyakarta%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Riau%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Gorontalo%' OR LOWER(Location) LIKE '%Jayapura%' ORDER BY Reputation DESC;