Top 500 most effective Fastest Guns in the West Enlightened badges weighted against total Accepted answers with score >= 10 Enlightened requires an Accepted Answer with score >= 10, posted first. The higher their number * higher percentage of all accepted answers makes for a very effective Fastest Gun in the West.
Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
-- Top 500 most effective Fastest Guns in the West -- Enlightened badges weighted against total Accepted answers with score >= 10 -- -- Enlightened requires an Accepted Answer with score >= 10, posted first -- The higher their number * higher percentage of all accepted answers makes -- for a very effective Fastest Gun in the West SELECT TOP 500 a.OwnerUserId AS [User Link], Count(DISTINCT a.Id) AS [Accepted], Count(DISTINCT b.Id) AS [Enlightened], (CAST(Count(DISTINCT b.Id) AS FLOAT) / Count(DISTINCT a.Id)) * 100.0 AS [Percentage Enlightened], Count(DISTINCT b.Id) * (CAST(Count(DISTINCT b.Id) AS FLOAT) / Count(DISTINCT a.Id)) * 100.0 AS [Weighting] FROM Votes v, Posts q, Posts a INNER JOIN Badges b on b.UserId = a.OwnerUserId WHERE v.VoteTypeId = 1 AND v.PostId = a.Id AND q.AcceptedAnswerId = a.Id AND q.OwnerUserId != a.OwnerUserId AND a.Score >= 10 AND b.Name = 'Enlightened' GROUP BY a.OwnerUserId ORDER BY Weighting DESC