Users with the most answers per day


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The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

select top 500
     u.Id as [User Link]
     , datediff(dd, u.creationdate, GETDATE() ) as [Days]
     , count(a.Id) as [Total Answers]  
     , (count(a.Id) * 1.0) / datediff(dd, u.creationdate, GETDATE()) as [Answers/Day Ratio]
     , avg(a.score * 1.0) as [AvgScorePerAnswer]
from Users u
inner join Posts a 
on a.OwnerUserId = u.Id
where a.PostTypeId=2
group by u.Id, u.creationdate
order by [Answers/Day Ratio] desc

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