select top 20 a.tags, '' as [id_article], '' as [surtitre],


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The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

select top 20
'' as [id_article],
'' as [surtitre],
a.title as [titre],
'' as [soustitre],
'' as [id_rubrique],
'' as [descriptif],
'' as [chapo],
a.body as [texte],
b.body as [Reponse],
'' as [ps],
'date' as [date],
'prepa' as [statut],
'' as [id_secteur],
'' as [maj],
'oui' as [export],
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' as [date_redac],
0 as [visites],
0 as [referers],
0 as [popularite],
'pri' as [accepter_forum],
'date' as [date_modif],
'en' as [lang],
'non' as [langue_choisie],
0 as [id_trad],
'' as [extra],
0 as [id_version],
'' as [nom_site],
'' as [url_site]
from Posts a, Posts b
where a.Tags like '%g++%' 
and a.Score > 9
and a.AcceptedAnswerId=b.Id

select * from Tags

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