declare @T table ( ID int, From_Date date, To_Date date )


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declare @T table
  ID int,
  From_Date date,
  To_Date date

insert into @T values
(1,  '2011-05-03', '2011-05-28'),
(2,  '2011-04-29', '2011-05-10'),
(3,  '2011-05-09', '2011-05-20'),
(4,  '2011-04-28', '2011-05-09'),
(5,  '2011-04-29', '2011-05-19'),
(6,  '2011-05-09', '2011-05-09'),
(7,  '2011-05-09', '2011-05-09'),
(8,  '2011-05-09', '2011-05-09'),
(9,  '2011-05-21', '2011-05-21'),
(10, '2011-06-06', '2011-06-06'),
(11, '2011-05-21', '2011-05-28'),
(12, '2011-05-14', '2011-05-28'),
(13, '2011-05-23', '2011-05-24'),
(14, '2011-05-27', '2011-05-27'),
(15, '2011-05-23', '2011-05-24')

declare @StartDate date = '2011-05-01'
declare @EndDate date = '2011-05-10'

select *
from @T
where From_Date <= @EndDate and
      To_Date >= @StartDate

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