Q&A about the site for the craft of professional writing, including fiction, non-fiction, technical, scholarly, and commercial writing
WITH MatchedTags AS ( SELECT DISTINCT TagName FROM Tags WHERE -- Red Hat and Associated Products TagName = 'red-hat' OR TagName = 'rhel' OR TagName = 'openshift' OR TagName = 'ansible' OR TagName = 'satellite' OR TagName = 'openstack' OR TagName = 'jboss' OR -- HashiCorp and Associated Products TagName = 'hashicorp' OR TagName = 'terraform' OR TagName = 'vault' OR TagName = 'consul' OR TagName = 'nomad' OR TagName = 'boundary' OR TagName = 'waypoint' OR -- GitLab and Associated Products TagName = 'gitlab' OR TagName = 'ci' OR TagName = 'cd' OR TagName = 'scm' OR TagName = 'pipeline' OR TagName = 'devops' ) SELECT t.TagName AS CompanyOrProduct, COUNT(p.Id) AS QuestionCount, DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) AS Year FROM Posts p JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id = pt.PostId JOIN Tags t ON pt.TagId = t.Id WHERE t.TagName IN (SELECT TagName FROM MatchedTags) AND p.PostTypeId = 1 -- Questions only AND DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) IN (2023, 2024) -- Filter by year GROUP BY t.TagName, DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) ORDER BY CompanyOrProduct, Year;