Q&A for community managers, administrators, and moderators
WITH lv_users AS ( SELECT DisplayName, Location, Id FROM Users WHERE LOWER(location) LIKE '%latvija%' OR LOWER(location) LIKE '%latvia%' ), users_with_more_than_100_badges AS ( SELECT UserId, Count(Badges.Name) as badge_count FROM badges GROUP BY Badges.UserId HAVING Count(Badges.Name) > 100 ), users_with_more_than_100_badges_with_location_and_name as ( SELECT * FROM users_with_more_than_100_badges JOIN lv_users ON users_with_more_than_100_badges.UserId = lv_users.Id ) SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE Posts.OwnerUserId IN ( SELECT UserId FROM users_with_more_than_100_badges_with_location_and_name ) AND CreationDate >= '2021-01-01' AND CreationDate <= '2021-12-31'