select Userlist.uid as userid, count (distinct toptags.ta...


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select Userlist.uid as userid, count (distinct toptags.tagid) as toptagcoverage
from Posts p,  PostTags pt,
(select distinct top 40 pt.TagId as tagid, t.Count as tagcount
 /* adjust 40 above if needed*/
from PostTags pt, Tags t, 
(select distinct p.Id as id  
from Posts p, PostTags pt
where p.Id=pt.PostId and pt.TagId=58338 
) appposts
where = pt.PostId and pt.TagId = t.Id
order by tagcount DESC 
) toptags,

(select p.OwnerUserId as uid 
from Posts p,  PostTags pt, Users u
where p.OwnerUserId=u.Id and p.Id=pt.PostId
and (pt.TagId=5990 or pt.TagId=91838 or pt.TagId=74318 or pt.TagId=115425 or pt.TagId=14513)
and p.PostTypeid=1
and p.CreationDate>=cast('2012-07-01' as datetime) 
and p.CreationDate<=cast('2015-08-01' as datetime) 
group by p.OwnerUserId
) UserList

where UserList.uid=p.OwnerUserId and p.PostTypeid=1 and pt.PostId = p.Id and pt.TagId = toptags.tagid
      and p.CreationDate>=cast('2015-03-01' as datetime) and p.CreationDate<=cast('2017-03-31' as datetime)
group by Userlist.uid

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