How many edits until Copy Editor (proper)?


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Shows a user's total edits so far, how many edits until the "Strunk and White" (now 80 at SO) badge, and how many edits until the "Copy Editor" badge (now 500 at SO).

Music Fans Meta

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-- How many edits until Copy Editor (proper)?
-- Shows a user's total edits so far, how many edits until the "Strunk and White" (now 80 at SO)
-- badge, and how many edits until the "Copy Editor" badge (now 500 at SO).
-- 2011-12-18 Fix: multiple edits on the same post count once only.
-- only edits to title and body count, editing tags alone does not.
-- Source of info:

DECLARE @USER int = ##UserId##;

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Number of Edits', -- every post counts once only
       80  - COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Edits until "Strunk and White"',
       500 - COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Edits until "Copy Editor"'
FROM   PostHistory ph
JOIN   Posts p ON p.Id = ph.PostId AND p.OwnerUserId <> @User
WHERE  ph.UserId = @User
AND    ph.PostHistoryTypeId BETWEEN 4 AND 5 -- only edits to title & body count

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