Q&A about the site for music historians, critics, and fans
SELECT p.Id, p.Tags, p.Title, p.Body as Questions_Body, p.Score as Questions_Score, p.Answercount as AnswerCount, p.CreationDate FROM posts p WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND p.CreationDate BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-03-01' -- AND p.Body LIKE '%<img%' AND ( ( p.Body LIKE '%architecture%' OR p.Title LIKE '%architecture%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%architecture%' ) OR ( p.Body LIKE '%architecting%' OR p.Title LIKE '%architecting%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%architecting%' ) OR ( p.Body LIKE '%architectural%' OR p.Title LIKE '%architectural%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%architectural%' ) );