This was written in an attempt to provide stats for this: I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it is close. Would love it if someone who knows the schema better can review it.
Q&A about the site for enthusiasts and scholars of mythology and folklore
-- Percent of Questions Accepted and Answered to Total Questions -- This was written in an attempt to provide stats for this: -- -- I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it is close. -- Would love it if someone who knows the schema better can review it. select Questions, Accepted, Answered, cast( Questions - Answered as int ) as Unanswered, cast( cast( Accepted/Questions*100 as decimal(5,1) ) as varchar(5) ) +'%' as PercentAccepted, cast( cast( Answered/Questions*100 as decimal(5,1) ) as varchar(5) ) +'%' as PercentAnswered from ( select count(*)*1.0 as Questions, sum(case when AcceptedAnswerId is null then 0 else 1 end)*1.0 as Accepted, sum(case when ISNULL(AnswerCount,0)=0 then 0 else 1 end)*1.0 as Answered from Posts where 1=1 and PostTypeId=1 and ClosedDate IS NULL and CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL ) x