Developer in Israel That Do C++/C#


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Users with Israel in their location who are active in C++/C#, sorted by rep (having more than 100 rep)

Mythology Meta

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-- Developer in Israel That Do C++/C#
-- Users with Israel in their location who are active in C++/C#, sorted by rep

SELECT Users.DisplayName, Users.Reputation, Users.Id as ID, Users.WebsiteUrl
FROM Users
    SELECT Users.Id as UserId
      FROM Posts
      JOIN PostTags ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId
      JOIN Users on Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId
        (PostTags.TagId = 10 OR PostTags.TagId = 9)
      GROUP BY Users.Id
  ) As TopicUsers
  ON UserId = Users.Id
WHERE Users.Location = 'Israel'
  AND Users.Reputation > 100
ORDER BY Users.Reputation DESC

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