sample for q 7973559 v2


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Mythology Meta

Q&A about the site for enthusiasts and scholars of mythology and folklore

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DECLARE @Film table (person_name varchar(50), 
film_title varchar(50), relationship varchar(10))
Insert into @film  values ('Mel Gibson', 'Braveheart', 'director' ),
                          ('Mel Gibson', 'Braveheart', 'cast' ),
                          ('Steven Spielberg', 'A.I.', 'director' ),
                          ('Hilary Swank', 'Million Dollar Baby', 'cast'),
                          ('Clint Eastwood', 'Million Dollar Baby', 'cast'),
                          ('Clint Eastwood', 'Million Dollar Baby', 'director'),
                          ('Clint Eastwood', 'Dirty Harry', 'cast')

select director.person_name 
from @film director 
full outer join @film actor 
    on director.person_name = actor.Person_name
    and director.film_title= actor.film_title
where actor.relationship = 'cast'
and director.relationship = 'director'
and actor.person_name is not null
and director.person_name is not null

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