Lists all users with the necessary reputation and badges. See: Ordered by badge count, as this may be better guide than raw rep. NOTE: requirements changing rapidly! See
Q&A about the site for enthusiasts and scholars of mythology and folklore
-- Possible candidates for the Nov, 2011 moderator election. -- Lists all users with the necessary reputation and badges. -- See: -- Ordered by badge count, as this may be better guide than raw rep. -- NOTE: requirements changing rapidly! See WITH hasReqBadges AS ( SELECT b.UserId, COUNT (DISTINCT b.Name) AS [badgeCnt] FROM Badges b WHERE b.Name IN ( 'Civic Duty' , 'Strunk & White' , 'Deputy' , 'Convention' --, 'Yearling' ) GROUP BY b.UserId ) SELECT hrb.UserId AS [User Link], u.Reputation, ( SELECT COUNT (b.Id) FROM Badges b WHERE hrb.UserId = b.UserId ) AS [Badge cnt] FROM hasReqBadges hrb INNER JOIN Users u ON hrb.UserId = u.Id WHERE u.Reputation >= 3000 AND hrb.badgeCnt = 4 -- Coordinate with in() list, above. ORDER BY [Badge cnt] desc, u.Reputation desc