Possible candidates for the Nov, 2011 moderator election.


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Lists all users with the necessary reputation and badges. See: http://stackoverflow.com/election/2 Ordered by badge count, as this may be better guide than raw rep. NOTE: requirements changing rapidly! See http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/111302#111307

Mythology Meta

Q&A about the site for enthusiasts and scholars of mythology and folklore

-- Possible candidates for the Nov, 2011 moderator election.
-- Lists all users with the necessary reputation and badges.
-- See: http://stackoverflow.com/election/2
-- Ordered by badge count, as this may be better guide than raw rep.
-- NOTE: requirements changing rapidly!  See http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/111302#111307

WITH hasReqBadges AS (
                COUNT (DISTINCT b.Name) AS [badgeCnt]
    FROM        Badges b
    WHERE       b.Name IN ( 'Civic Duty'
                            , 'Strunk & White'
                            , 'Deputy'
                            , 'Convention'
                            --, 'Yearling'
    GROUP BY    b.UserId
            hrb.UserId AS [User Link],
            (   SELECT  COUNT (b.Id)
                FROM    Badges b
                WHERE   hrb.UserId = b.UserId
            ) AS [Badge cnt]

FROM        hasReqBadges hrb
INNER JOIN  Users  u    ON hrb.UserId = u.Id
WHERE       u.Reputation >= 3000
AND         hrb.badgeCnt = 4    -- Coordinate with in() list, above.
ORDER BY    [Badge cnt] desc,
            u.Reputation desc

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