Search for a string that occurs either in title, tags or body Posts need a minimum score of 7 and should be without code in body
Q&A for people organizing, marketing or licensing open source development projects
-- Top Score Open Questions Title Or Tags Matching Keywords -- Search for all open questions with both keywords in either the title or tags sorted by top score DECLARE @QTagOne VARCHAR(255) = ##KeywordOne:string##; SET @QTagOne = '%' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@QTagOne)) + '%'; DECLARE @QTagTwo VARCHAR(255) = ##KeywordTwo:string##; SET @QTagTwo = '%' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@QTagTwo)) + '%'; SELECT Id AS [Post Link], Score, Tags, ID FROM Posts a WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND ((Tags LIKE @QTagOne AND Tags LIKE @QTagTwo) OR (Title LIKE @QTagOne AND Title LIKE @QTagTwo)) AND (a.Body) not like '%<blockquote%' ORDER BY Score DESC