Questions that have gone through a close/reopen cycle at least once.
Q&A about the site for people organizing, marketing or licensing open source development projects
-- Community Controversy -- Questions that have gone through a close/reopen cycle at least once and have a score of at least 100 SELECT PostId AS [Post Link], CloseCount, ReopenCount, CurrentlyClosed FROM ( SELECT Id AS PostId, Score AS Score, (CASE WHEN ClosedDate IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS CurrentlyClosed, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PostHistory closed WHERE closed.PostId = p.Id AND closed.PostHistoryTypeId = 10) AS CloseCount, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PostHistory opened WHERE opened.PostId = p.Id AND opened.PostHistoryTypeId = 11) AS ReopenCount FROM Posts p WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 ) a WHERE CloseCount > 0 ORDER BY (CloseCount + ReopenCount) DESC, CloseCount DESC, ReopenCount DESC