Close-edit-reopen cycle


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-- Close-edit-reopen cycle

  closed.PostId as PostId,
  closed.CreationDate as CloseDate,
    from PostHistory opened
    where opened.PostId = closed.PostId
      and opened.CreationDate > closed.CreationDate
      and opened.PostHistoryTypeId = 11) as ReopenDate,
    from PostHistory edited join PostHistory opened on edited.PostId = opened.PostId
    where edited.PostId = closed.PostId
      and edited.CreationDate > closed.CreationDate
      and edited.CreationDate < opened.CreationDate
      and edited.PostHistoryTypeId = 5
      and opened.PostHistoryTypeId = 11) as EditedCount
  from PostHistory closed
  where PostHistoryTypeId = 10

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