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DECLARE @t TABLE(nu INT, m VARCHAR(2), y VARCHAR(4)); INSERT INTO @t VALUES (1, '01', '2011'), (26, '10', '2020'), (5, '05', '2023'), (90, '01', '2024'), (1, '02', '2024'); ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT y, m, nu asum FROM @t ), cteRanked AS ( SELECT asum, y, m, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY y,m) rownum FROM cte ) SELECT (SELECT SUM(asum) FROM cteRanked c2 WHERE c2.rownum <= c1.rownum) AS ColumnA, y,m FROM cteRanked c1; /* to this: ColumnA ColumnB 3 a 6(=3+3) b 10(=4+3+3) c 15(=5+4+3+3) d */