Who gets the most of his/her reputation from bounties?


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Created as a copy of http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/s/490/top-25-bounty-players Displays top 25 users getting reputation from bounties. Ordered by percent of reputation gained from bounties. Only users with reputation >1k taken.

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-- Who gets the most of his/her reputation from bounties?
-- Created as a copy of http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/s/490/top-25-bounty-players
-- Displays top 25 users getting reputation from bounties. Ordered by
-- percent of reputation gained from bounties.
-- Only users with reputation >1k taken.

select top 25 owneruserid [User Link],
              count(1) [Bounty Answers Provided], 
              sum(bountyamount) [Bounty Amount Won],
              users.reputation [Reputation],
              round(sum(bountyamount)*100./users.reputation,0) [% Reputation gained on bounties]
from posts p,votes, users
 where p.id = postid
   and p.owneruserid=users.id
   and votetypeid = 9
   and users.reputation>1000
 group by owneruserid, users.reputation
 order by  5 desc

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