Search within questions by a single user, networkwide


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Q&A for active researchers, academics and students of physics

-- result table, don't rename and keep the site column
CREATE TABLE #results (site nvarchar(250),
                       postid int,
                       score int,
                       tags nvarchar(250),
                       creationdate datetime,
                       title nvarchar(250));

DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''   -- holds build up sql string

-- build one biq union sql, for each db
SELECT @sql = @sql 
+ IIF( LEN(@sql) > 1 
     , 'UNION ALL'
     , 'INSERT INTO #results'
) +
-- here goes the per site query, fully qualify the database objects
SELECT ''' + name + ''', p.Id, p.Score, p.Tags, p.CreationDate, p.Title
  FROM ' + quotename(name) + '.dbo.Posts AS p
  INNER JOIN ' + quotename(name) + '.dbo.Users AS u
    ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
  WHERE u.AccountId = ' + CAST(##AccountId:int## as nvarchar) + '
    AND p.PostTypeId = 1 -- Questions
    AND p.Body COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
               LIKE ''%' + ##query:string## + '%'' 
FROM sys.databases
WHERE database_id > 5
-- AccountId: The global account ID of the user, which you can find in the URL of their network profile. Visit this link: to see your own ID.

-- execute it
EXEC (@sql)

SELECT site,
  LOWER('https://' +
    IIF(PATINDEX('%.Mathoverflow%', site) > 0,
    IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', site) > 0, '', ''),
      IIF(PATINDEX('%.Ubuntu%', site) > 0,
      IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', site) > 0, '', ''),
        IIF(PATINDEX('StackExchange.%', site) > 0,
          CASE SUBSTRING(site, 15, 200)
          WHEN 'Audio' THEN 'video'
          WHEN 'Audio.Meta' THEN 'video.meta'
          WHEN 'Beer' THEN 'alcohol'
          WHEN 'Beer.Meta' THEN 'alcohol.meta'
          WHEN 'CogSci' THEN 'psychology'
          WHEN 'CogSci.Meta' THEN 'psychology.meta'
          WHEN 'Garage' THEN 'mechanics'
          WHEN 'Garage.Meta' THEN 'mechanics.meta'
          WHEN 'Moderators' THEN 'communitybuilding'
          WHEN 'Moderators.Meta' THEN 'communitybuilding.meta'
          WHEN 'Photography' THEN 'photo'
          WHEN 'Photography.Meta' THEN 'photo.meta'
          WHEN 'Programmers' THEN 'softwareengineering'
          WHEN 'Programmers.Meta' THEN 'softwareengineering.meta'
          WHEN 'Vegetarian' THEN 'vegetarianism'
          WHEN 'Vegetarian.Meta' THEN 'vegetarianism.meta'
          WHEN 'Writers' THEN 'writing'
          WHEN 'Writers.Meta' THEN 'writing.meta'
          ELSE SUBSTRING(site, 15, 200)
          END + '',
          IIF(PATINDEX('StackOverflow.%', site) > 0,
            CASE SUBSTRING(site, 15, 200)
            WHEN 'Br' THEN 'pt'
            WHEN 'Br.Meta' THEN 'pt.meta'
            ELSE SUBSTRING(site, 15, 200)
            END + '',
            IIF(PATINDEX('%.Meta', site) > 0,
              'meta.' + SUBSTRING(site, 0, PATINDEX('%.Meta', site)) + '.com',
              site + '.com'
      )) + '/q/' + CAST(postid AS NVARCHAR) + '|' + title,
  score, tags, creationdate
  FROM #results
  ORDER BY creationdate DESC;
DROP TABLE #results

Enter Parameters

Switch to meta site
loading Hold tight while we fetch your results