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declare @T table
  EmpId char(3),
  X int,
  Y int

insert into @T
select 'U27', 1, 1 union all
select 'U28', 1, 2 union all
select 'U29', 1, 3 union all
select 'U30', 2, 1 union all
select 'U31', 2, 2 union all
select 'U32', 2, 3 union all
select 'U33', 3, 1 union all
select 'U34', 3, 2 union all
select 'U35', 3, 3

select [1], [2], [3]
from @T
pivot (min(EmpId) for Y in ([1], [2], [3])) as p

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