what are the TagSynonyms


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-- select Tags from Posts where Id = 8706635
-- select PostId, TagId from PostTags
-- select TagName from Tags where Id = 64305

-- find R code
-- select Id, TagName from Tags where TagName = 'r'
-- which PostId contain the R code

--select TagId from PostTags where 
-- ON PosTags.PostId = BBQ

--select distinct Tags.TagName from PostTags where PostTags.PostId in (
--select PostId from PostTags where TagId = 4452 Group by PostId) 
--INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.Id

--select distinct Tags.TagName from Tags 
--INNER JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.PostId where PostTags.PostId in (
--select PostId from PostTags where TagId = 4452 Group by PostId)

select distinct Tags.TagName from Tags 
INNER JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.PostId

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