The lowest upvoted:downvoted ratios among users with at least 100 posts


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select top 100
  u.Id as [User Link],
  (select count(*) from Votes v join Posts p on p.Id = v.PostId
   where p.OwnerUserId = u.Id and v.VoteTypeId = 2) as [Upvoted],
  (select count(*) from Votes v join Posts p on p.Id = v.PostId
   where p.OwnerUserId = u.Id and v.VoteTypeId = 3) as [Downvoted],
  (select count(*) from Votes v join Posts p on p.Id = v.PostId
   where p.OwnerUserId = u.Id and v.VoteTypeId = 2) -
  (select count(*) from Votes v join Posts p on p.Id = v.PostId
   where p.OwnerUserId = u.Id and v.VoteTypeId = 3) as [Net Vote Score],
  Users u
order by

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