Q&A for project managers
-- Compare me against the most frequent voters declare @my_id int = ##UserId##; declare @temp table( id int, votes int, up int, down int, me text ); insert into @temp (id, votes, up, down) select top ##Limit## id, upvotes + downvotes "votes", upvotes, downvotes from users where id != -1 -- community user and id != @my_id -- selected below and reputation > 1 order by (upvotes + downvotes) desc; insert into @temp(id, votes, up, down, me) select id, upvotes + downvotes "votes", upvotes, downvotes, '>' from users where id = @my_id; declare @last int = round((select min(votes) from @temp),0); -- apparently min(votes) is a varchar?! and I don't know how to cast in t-sql declare @top int = (case when (select votes from @temp where id = @my_id) > @last then ##Limit## else ##Limit## + 1 end) select top (@top) me, (case when (votes > @last) then (rank() over (order by votes desc)) else null end), id "User Link", votes "Votes", (case when up + down > 0 then (100 * up / (up + down)) else null end) "% up", up "Upvotes", down "Downvotes" from @temp order by votes desc;