A breakdown and usage count of each and every tag used alongside the given tag on posts. This is the full length version of the list that can be seen on the lower right-hand side of each tag's main search page, labeled "Related Tags": <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/javascript#h-related-tags> Also includes, for each tag in the list, a link to site search for the given and listed tag, and a link to *this query* using that tag.
Q&A for project managers
DECLARE @TagId int = ( -- Get TagId of [tag] for use in SELECT SELECT t.Id FROM Tags t WHERE t.TagName = ##TagName:string## ) -- Then SELECT all tags from posts SELECT -- tagged with [tag], and COUNT(otherTags.TagId) AS [Usage Count], -- GROUP BY each unique tag t.TagName, -- to get the usage sums CONCAT( 'site://questions/tagged/', ##TagName:string##, '+', t.TagName, '|Search for [', ##TagName:string##, '] [', t.TagName, ']' ) AS [Site Search Link], CONCAT( 'https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1398286/cross-tag-tag-usage-breakdown?TagName=', t.TagName, '#resultSets|[', t.TagName, '] Breakdown' ) AS [Cross-Tag Usage Query Link] FROM PostTags ptg JOIN PostTags otherTags ON otherTags.PostId = ptg.PostId JOIN Tags t ON t.Id = otherTags.TagId WHERE ptg.TagId = @TagId AND otherTags.TagId <> @TagId GROUP BY otherTags.TagId, t.TagName UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(TagId) AS [Usage Count], -- Finally, SELECT count of all posts using '(Total Questions)' AS [TagName], -- [tag], just for comparison purposes, and '-' AS [Site Search Link], -- UNION to the other SELECT '-' AS [Cross-Tag Usage Query Link] FROM PostTags WHERE TagId = @TagId ORDER BY COUNT(otherTags.TagId) DESC -- TagName: Exact Name of Tag: