Q&A for project managers
-- Retrieve deleted answers with comments indicating they are ChatGPT generated, along with the parent question's title and body SELECT p.Id AS [PostId], p.PostTypeId AS [PostType], p.Body AS [Body], p.Title AS [Title], ph.PostId AS [DeletedPostId], ph.CreationDate AS [DeletionDate], ph.Text AS [DeletedPostContent], ph.Comment AS [ModeratorComment], c.Id AS [CommentId], c.Text AS [CommentText], c.CreationDate AS [CommentCreationDate], u.DisplayName AS [Commenter], q.Id AS [QuestionId], q.Title AS [QuestionTitle], q.Body AS [QuestionBody] FROM PostHistory ph LEFT JOIN Posts p ON ph.PostId = p.Id LEFT JOIN Comments c ON ph.PostId = c.PostId LEFT JOIN Users u ON c.UserId = u.Id LEFT JOIN Posts q ON p.ParentId = q.Id WHERE ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 12 -- Deletion event AND ph.PostId IN ( SELECT p.Id FROM Posts p WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2 -- Only answers ) AND (c.Text LIKE '%GPT%' OR ph.Text LIKE '%GPT%') -- Filter for ChatGPT mention ORDER BY ph.CreationDate DESC;