Populist candidates; your answer outscores the accepted answer


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Questions where your answer has more than twice the score of the accepted answer which in turn must have a score of 11 or higher

Project Management

Q&A for project managers

    Question.Id as [Post Link],
    AcceptedAnswer.Score as [Accepted Score],
    YourAnswer.Score as [Your Score],
    CONVERT(DECIMAL(4,2), CAST(YourAnswer.Score as float) / AcceptedAnswer.score) as ScoreRatio,
    CASE WHEN AcceptedAnswer.Score > 10 THEN 0 ELSE 11 - AcceptedAnswer.Score END as [Accepted votes needed],
        WHEN YourAnswer.Score > AcceptedAnswer.Score * 2 AND YourAnswer.Score > 22
        THEN 0
        ELSE ((CASE WHEN AcceptedAnswer.Score > 10 THEN AcceptedAnswer.Score ELSE 11 END) * 2 - YourAnswer.Score + 1)
    END as [Your votes needed],
    CASE WHEN AcceptedAnswer.Score > 10 THEN 0 ELSE 11 - AcceptedAnswer.Score END
    + CASE
        WHEN YourAnswer.Score > AcceptedAnswer.Score * 2 AND YourAnswer.Score > 22
        THEN 0
        ELSE ((CASE WHEN AcceptedAnswer.Score > 10 THEN AcceptedAnswer.Score ELSE 11 END) * 2 - YourAnswer.Score + 1)
      END as [Total votes needed]
    Posts Question,
    Posts AcceptedAnswer,
    Posts YourAnswer,
    Users AcceptedUser
    YourAnswer.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##
    and YourAnswer.ParentId = Question.Id
    and Question.AcceptedAnswerId = AcceptedAnswer.Id
    and AcceptedAnswer.OwnerUserId = AcceptedUser.Id
    -- your answer scores higher than the accepted answer
    and YourAnswer.Score > AcceptedAnswer.Score 
    -- and the accepted answer is *approaching* the minimum requirement of
    -- 11 or higher
    and AcceptedAnswer.Score >= ##MinAcceptedScore:int?9##
    and not (
        -- has not already been awarded a Populist badge
        AcceptedAnswer.Score > 10 and
        YourAnswer.Score > (AcceptedAnswer.Score * 2)
order by CAST(YourAnswer.Score as float) / AcceptedAnswer.score DESC

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