See the suggested edits where I voted to approve but that were rejected, or vice versa. Note that this query only makes sense on Stack Overflow, which requires two concurring votes to approve or reject a suggested edit. See also for the suggested edits where my vote carried the decision.
Q&A for project managers
SELECT s.PostId AS [Post Link], 'site://suggested-edits/' + Cast(s.Id AS VarChar(20)) AS [Suggested Edit], 'not ' + CASE v.VoteTypeId WHEN 2 THEN 'approved' ELSE 'rejected' END AS [Direction], s.CreationDate AS [Date] FROM SuggestedEditVotes v, SuggestedEdits s WHERE v.UserId = ##User## AND v.SuggestedEditId = s.Id AND CASE v.VoteTypeId WHEN 2 THEN s.ApprovalDate ELSE s.RejectionDate END IS NULL ORDER BY [Date]