Q&A for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle
-- select Id from Tags where TagName in ('r') -- SELECT Top 10 SELECT question.Title, question.Id, question.Id AS [Post Link], question.Tags, question.ViewCount, count(votes.postid) as 'Vote count', question.FavoriteCount, question.CreationDate FROM Posts as question INNER JOIN Votes votes on question.id=votes.PostId WHERE -- question.Id <= 17983004 and -- 2013 July Range for R -- question.Id >= 17664116 and -- 2013 July Range for R -- 1000000 - 1999999 -- 2000000 - 2999999 question.Id >= 1100000 and question.Id <= 1199999 and question.Tags like '%<r>%' and -- question.Title like '%date%' and question.PostTypeId = 1 and question.AcceptedAnswerId <> '' GROUP BY votes.PostId, question.Id, question.Title, question.Tags, question.FavoriteCount, question.ViewCount, question.CreationDate ORDER by count(votes.postid) DESC, question.ViewCount DESC -- question.CreationDate DESC