How far are you towards the Curious, Inquisitive and Socratic badges? You need to count the days on which you had only positive questions, and no downvoted or closed questions. We cannot see deleted questions here so the count is going to be inaccurate, nor does it track your positive question record ratio.
Q&A for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle
declare @epoch datetime = getdate(); with ask_days as ( select dateadd(day, datediff(day, @epoch, CreationDate), @epoch) day, min(Score) worst, max(Score) best, -- only posts closed within 60 days count against qualification count(case when ClosedDate is not null and datediff(day, CreationDate, ClosedDate) <= 60 then 1 else null end) closed from Posts where PostTypeId = 1 and OwnerUserId in (##UserId##) group by dateadd(day, datediff(day, @epoch, CreationDate), @epoch) ), good_days as ( select count(*) N from ask_days where best >= 1 and worst >= 0 and closed = 0 ) select N, case when N >= 5 then 1 end curious, case when N >= 30 then 1 end inquisitive, case when N >= 100 then N / 100 end socratic from good_days;