Q&A for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle
WITH t as ( SELECT 1 as id, 'Dan' as Name, 'N' as registered UNION SELECT 2, 'Bill' , 'N' UNION SELECT 3, 'Bob' , 'N' UNION SELECT 4, 'Dan' , 'N' UNION SELECT 5, 'Bill', 'Y' UNION SELECT 6, 'Dan', 'Y') , ns AS (SELECT Row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY id) rn, id, name, registered FROM t WHERE registered = 'N') SELECT t.id, t.name, ns.id, ns.name FROM ns LEFT JOIN t ON ns.name = t.name AND t.registered = 'Y' AND ns.rn = 1 WHERE ns.name IN (SELECT name FROM t WHERE registered = 'Y') ORDER BY ns.name