select qeasy.userId as userId, avg(qeasy.sum_easy) as sum...


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Quantitative Finance

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select qeasy.userId as userId, avg(qeasy.sum_easy) as sum_easy, avg(qeasy.mean_easy) as mean_easy, datediff(wk,cast('2013-09-18' as datetime), qeasy.qdate) as week


(select max(qlist.uid) as userId,  avg(tageasiness.tag_easy) as mean_easy,  sum(tageasiness.tag_easy) as sum_easy, max(qlist.qdate) as qdate

from PostTags pt,

(select distinct t.Id as tid, sum(posttagm1.tagc)as tag_easy
from Tags t, PostTags pt,

(select distinct pt.PostId as pid, cast((count(pt.TagId)-1) as numeric )  as tagc
from PostTags pt
group by pt.PostId) posttagm1 

where t.Id=pt.TagId and and t.Count > 1
group by t.Id
) tageasiness,

(select p.Id as pid, userlist.uid as uid, p.CreationDate as qdate

from Posts p, PostTags pt,

(select p.OwnerUserId as uid
from Posts p,  PostTags pt, Users u
where p.OwnerUserId=u.Id and p.Id=pt.PostId and pt.TagId=58338 
and p.PostTypeid=1 and p.ViewCount>500 
and p.CreationDate>=cast('2012-09-18' as datetime) 
and p.CreationDate<=cast('2013-09-18' as datetime) 
group by p.OwnerUserId
) userlist

where userlist.uid=p.OwnerUserId and p.CreationDate>=cast('2013-09-18' as datetime) and p.CreationDate<=cast('2014-03-24' as datetime) and p.PostTypeId=1
and p.Id=pt.PostId  and p.ViewCount>100 and pt.TagId=58338

) qlist

where tageasiness.tid=pt.TagId and
group by
) qeasy

group by qeasy.userId, datediff(wk,cast('2013-09-18' as datetime), qeasy.qdate)

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