Lists the days that your cappable reputation exceeded the reputation cap. Known shortcoming: The vote times are erased, so every vote is logged as being at midnight UTC. This screws up the counting of votes after a post is auto-converted to Community Wiki. This means you will get credit for votes received on community wiki posts until the end of the day that they were converted to community wiki. Votes after that day will be correctly counted as community wiki, giving you no reputation.
Q&A about the site for engineers, scientists, programmers, and computing professionals interested in quantum computing
-- On what days did I hit the reputation cap? -- An attempt to make a query showing the days on which the reputation cap was -- hit for a given user. -- (Updated to remove votes on CW posts from the score) WITH VotePoints AS ( SELECT Votes.PostId, Votes.CreationDate, Posts.OwnerUserId AS UserId, VoteTypeId, (CASE WHEN VoteTypeId = 1 THEN 15 -- Accepted answer WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 AND PostTypeId = 1 THEN 5 -- Upvoted question WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 AND PostTypeId = 2 THEN 10 -- Upvoted answer WHEN VoteTypeId = 3 THEN -2 -- Downvote WHEN VoteTypeId = 9 THEN BountyAmount -- Earned Bounty END) AS Points, (CASE WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 OR VoteTypeId = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS IsCappable, (CASE WHEN Votes.CreationDate > Posts.CommunityOwnedDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS IsCommunityOwned, (CASE WHEN (SELECT TOP 1 CreationDate FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId=17 AND PostHistory.PostId = Votes.PostId ORDER BY CreationDate DESC) > Votes.CreationDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS IsBeforeMigration FROM Votes INNER JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = Votes.PostId ) SELECT CreationDate, SUM((CASE WHEN IsCappable = 1 AND IsCommunityOwned = 0 AND IsBeforeMigration = 0 THEN Points ELSE 0 END)) AS CappableScore, SUM(Points) AS TotalScore FROM VotePoints WHERE UserId = ##UserId## GROUP BY CreationDate HAVING SUM((CASE WHEN IsCappable = 1 AND IsCommunityOwned = 0 AND IsBeforeMigration = 0 THEN Points ELSE 0 END)) > 200 ORDER BY CreationDate DESC