Displays all 40 top tags and your score in each tag. You need to get at least 15 points in 20 tags
Q&A about the site for engineers, scientists, programmers, and computing professionals interested in quantum computing
-- Generalist badge -- Displays all 40 top tags and your score in each tag. You need to get at least 15 points in 20 tags declare @UserId int = ##UserId##; select row_number() over (order by upvotes desc, Count desc),tagName, Count, upvotes from (select top 40 * from Tags Order by Count desc) t left join (select pt.TagId, count(distinct v.id) upvotes from posts a join posts p on p.Id = a.ParentId join postTags pt on pt.PostId = p.Id join votes v on v.voteTypeId=2 and v.postId=a.Id where a.OwnerUserId=@UserId group by pt.TagId) v on t.Id=v.TagId order by 1