Calculate the average percent of each user's questions that have been accepted, excluding those with 0% accept rate.
Q&A about the site for engineers, scientists, programmers, and computing professionals interested in quantum computing
-- Average accept rate percentage, less 0% -- Calculate the average percent of each user's questions that have been accepted, excluding those with 0% accept rate. SELECT AVG(Round(t.Accepted * 100.0 / t.Total, 1)) AS [Percent], STDEVP(Round(t.Accepted * 100.0 / t.Total, 1)) AS [std dev] FROM (SELECT Count(a.Id) AS [Total], Sum(CASE q.AcceptedAnswerId WHEN a.Id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Accepted] FROM Posts AS a JOIN Posts AS q ON a.ParentId = q.Id WHERE q.postTypeId = 1 AND a.postTypeId = 2 AND a.OwnerUserId <> q.OwnerUserId GROUP BY a.OwnerUserId ) AS t WHERE t.[Accepted] > 0