Who does the most typing on Stack Overflow?


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Displays the 10 chattiest of our peers...

Quantum Computing Meta

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-- Who does the most typing on Stack Overflow?
-- Displays the 10 chattiest of our peers...

select top 10 u.Id as [User Link], 
 (select sum(len(Body)) from posts where owneruserid = u.id) posts,
 (select sum(len(Text)) from comments where userid = u.id) comments,
 (select sum(len(Body)) from posts where owneruserid = u.id) +
 (select sum(len(Text)) from comments where userid = u.id) total

from users u 
order by total desc

--select top 10 u.Id as [User Link], 
--sum(len(p.Body)) as AnswerKeystrokes,
--sum(len(c.Text))as CommentKeystrokes
--from users u 
--    inner join posts p on u.id=p.owneruserid
--    inner join comments c on u.id = c.userid
--group by u.id
--order by AnswerKeystrokes desc

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