Q&A for professional robotic engineers, hobbyists, researchers and students
WITH RecentPosts AS ( SELECT P.Id AS PostId, P.OwnerUserId, P.Title, P.ViewCount, P.CreationDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY P.OwnerUserId ORDER BY P.ViewCount DESC) AS RowNum FROM Posts P WHERE P.CreationDate >= DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE()) AND P.ViewCount > 0 ) SELECT RP.OwnerUserId, U.DisplayName, RP.Title, RP.ViewCount, RP.CreationDate FROM RecentPosts RP JOIN Users U ON RP.OwnerUserId = U.Id WHERE RP.RowNum <= 3 ORDER BY RP.OwnerUserId, RP.ViewCount DESC;