select case WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post = 0 THEN '0' WHEN cnt_...


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select case 
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post = 0 
            THEN '0' 
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post between 1 AND 10 
            THEN '1- 10'
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post > 10
            THEN '> 10' END as vysledek
         --   (count(*) *100/ total.total_user) as procento
     from users u
join (select count(*) as cnt_post, as onwerid from users
left join posts p on = p.owneruserid
group by cnt_post on = cnt_post.onwerid
--(select count(*) as total_user from users) total
group by case 
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post = 0 
            THEN '0' 
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post between 1 AND 10 
            THEN '1- 10'
          WHEN cnt_post.cnt_post > 10
            THEN '> 10' END

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