Percentage of Askers that have not logged in this month (Arduino)


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Role-playing Games

Q&A for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games

  SELECT count(IU.Id) as '#U'
  FROM (
    SELECT Users.Id as 'Id'
    FROM Users, Posts
    WHERE Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId and 
    Posts.PostTypeId = 1 and Posts.Tags like '%arduino%'
    GROUP BY Users.Id
      ) as IU
) as U,
  SELECT count(INRU.Id) as '#NRU'
  FROM (
    SELECT Users.Id as 'Id'
    FROM Users, Posts
    WHERE Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId and Posts.PostTypeId = 1 and Posts.Tags like '%arduino%' and
    (year(Users.LastAccessDate)<2013 or month(Users.LastAccessDate)<3)
    GROUP BY Users.Id

      ) as INRU
) as NRU

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