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Role-playing Games

Q&A for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games

SELECT p.Id AS [Post Link],
  CASE WHEN p.PostTypeId = 1 THEN 'Question' ELSE 'Answer' END,
  COALESCE(p.Tags, q.Tags) AS Tags,
  CASE CHARINDEX('<stack-overflow>', COALESCE(p.Tags, q.Tags)) WHEN 0 THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS 'Tagged [stack-overflow]?'
  FROM Posts AS p
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Posts AS q ON p.ParentId = q.Id  
(85578, 86133, 86463, 86820, 88657, 90458, 90696, 91082, 91615, 91690, 91762, 93238, 94181, 95392, 96038, 98078, 98448, 98864, 99436, 99495, 100059, 100101, 100372, 100593, 100713, 101414, 101738, 102168, 102186, 102344, 102655, 103049, 103740, 103829, 103886, 104136, 104405, 104726, 104861, 104863, 105060, 105504, 105730, 105777, 106858, 106935, 107779, 108622, 108686, 110998, 111351, 113255, 116191, 116313, 116468, 117833, 117841, 117774, 118428, 118471, 118863, 118898, 119120, 119791, 119878, 121682, 124160, 124488, 128488, 128985, 130467, 131102, 133952, 136326, 136432, 139030, 139032, 138968, 140355, 140471, 140460, 141000, 141785, 142201, 142059, 143975, 144330, 147096, 150285, 155365, 158606, 163411, 164791, 168263, 169030, 170146, 172081, 175111, 175802, 176349, 177445, 177785, 178392, 179687, 181705, 182693, 184061, 184368, 186313, 186466, 187349, 188199, 189348, 191973, 195490, 197610, 198421, 199722, 208070, 209803, 211979, 218223, 223223, 227831, 227863, 227871)
  ORDER BY p.CreationDate

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