uses of the word "qua"


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Role-playing Games

Q&A for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games

declare @var varchar(20)
declare @var2 varchar(20)
set @var = 'abc _qua_ def';
set @var2 = 'abc equal def';

declare @match varchar(5)
set @match = '% _qua_ %';

case when @var like @match then 1 else 0 end,
case when @var2 like @match then 1 else 0 end

select userid, text, id, 'comment' from comments where text like '% qua %' or text like '% *qua* %' or text like '% \_qua\_ %'
select userid, text, id, 'posthistory text' from posthistory where text like '% qua %' or text like '% *qua* %' 
select userid, comment, id, 'posthistory comment' from posthistory where comment like '% qua %' or comment like '% *qua* %'
select owneruserid, text, id, 'suggestededit text' from suggestededits where text like '% qua %' or text like '% *qua* %' 
select owneruserid, title, id, 'suggestededit title' from suggestededits where title like '% qua %' or title like '% *qua* %' 

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